Sifu Jamal R. El began his martial arts training in 1969 under the tutoring of Sensei
Nicholas Jones at the Dai Nippon Kenpo Karate school. He soon found a teacher of the
Korean style of martial arts, Wilford Jones, who was a student of Grandmaster Mah Suh
Parks of Tae Kyun old style school.
Sifu Jamal El found his avid interest in Chinese Kung Fu. He began his study with Sifu
Abdul Al Malik, a teacher of Mi Zhoug Chuan (Lost Track Boxing) and Lama Pai
(Tibetan White Crane Fist). Sifu Jamal El had the privilege of learning Hung Gar, Five
Animal and Five Family Kung Fu from Si-gung Norman Smith a student of famed
Grandmaster Ark Y. Wong as well as Northern T'ien Shan Pai Heaven Mountain system
from Shih-fu Thomas Hardy. A student of Grandmaster Lin Shih Kuang (Willy Lin).
Sifu Jamal also holds, high ranking, in other systems of martial arts; such as Goju-Ryu
Karate Do, fourth Dan (Japanese and Okinawan under Shihan Gene Holden of the
Mibukan Dojo), fifth Dan in Seito Goju-Ryu Karate (under Kyoshi Khalid Newton,
whom is a Pennsylvanian representative for the Ichikawa- Ha Karate Do). a student of
Kancho Robert Taiani. of the sosui kan Hombu in New York, Sifu El also had the
opportunity to train with Sensei Anthony Atkins in Kyokushin Kai Karate. Sensei himself
was a student of the famous Tadashi Nakamura and Mas Oyama.
Sifu Jamal El also had the privilege of training with Mwanzo Umeme Umpingo in the
African fighting science known as Vita Saana (Art of War). Jamal holds the rank of
Eusi; one of the highest ranks bestowed upon a Muwalimu (teacher).
Furthermore, Sifu Jamal El is well-versed in many weapons such as: Okinawan Kubudo
rokushin bo, Sai, Kama, Eku, katana, Hei Bing also (Chinese Weapons) such as short
whip, staff, broad sword, double-headed tiger hooks, double broad sword, spear, big
knife, and many more.
Sifu Jamal has performed on television (PBS, FOX as well as local TV stations) and has done many seminars/expos in the Tri-state area. Sifu Jamal R. El is a certified bail Enforcement agent for the state of Delaware, a certified instructor of OCAT, PATH, and MOAB. Sifu El currently teaches in Philadelphia area. He is the head instructor in the Chinese style of martial arts at the House of Martial Balance.